Wednesday, May 28, 2014

Mid-life crisis in your late Twenties

DISCLAIMER :This post is a satirical take on the life and incidents around the life of a Tech Professional in his late 20’s. I have tried my level best to be as impersonal as possible resemblances with real life are purely co incidental. This post has to be taken in a lighter vein rather than as a serious work. The incidents described may or may not have any resemblance to real life incidents in the writer’s life even though the blog is written in first person.

Yes you read the title right. How else could you explain dare devil bachelors wanting to get hitched, commitment phobic boyfriends proposing to their shell shocked girlfriends, married men suddenly wanting kids of their own. Guys out of nowhere find new hobbies. Paying your hard earned money on a super bike for which you can probably get a car or paying for a smart phone for which you can get a two wheeler, buying a SLR camera .Those who have never travelled except for emergencies suddenly take up travelling just for the heck of it. People who have spent all their lives in their hometown want to break the shackles and leave their comfort zone for hip and happening metro cities around the country or even better going overseas. This post is clearly written from a guy's point of view so ladies please excuse, you can continue reading if you want to better understand your boyfriends/husbands/brothers in the same age bracket.

Let's start with the bachelors the most colourful lot of the demography in question here. You realise that unmarried men of your age group are hard to come by. Post marriage the friends you used to hang out with stop answering even your phone calls forget chilling out with you. Even if you end up spending time with them they are no longer interested in discussing about random females but would bore you to death with the challenges they face in their marital life. Finding a roommate is another nightmare because suddenly they are a near extinct species.

Suddenly your girlfriend looks more beautiful than before; the pretty face in the back of your mind is worth pursuing after all. Alternatively it is time to purchase the superbike that you have dreamt off as a boy. It’s too late for your parents to realise what has happened to you before you speed off in your mean machine. From there on your life revolves around every nitty gritty of your new found passion. I have also come across people who take up gluttony as their new hobby for them food is their new best friend.

You realise that you haven't travelled much and have been stuck at your hometown for too long.  You decide to visit your friends who are living in the metro cities across the country just to check out the place and end up in awe of their lives.Now you become tired of living in your hometown and wish for a change. You lobby hard for the overdue onsite assignment and start exploring for opportunities elsewhere in the country.

When it comes to married men you have no more time to hang out with your bachelor friends and the new in thing that is hanging out with other couples can also get boring in course of time. Shopping with your wife is no more cute like it was before. It reminds you of your pre marital days when you would frequent the malls just to check out pretty females, but now you are trying to juggle the shopping bags that are thrust upon you. You realise that you have been a guinea pig to your wife’s cooking for too long and have developed a tummy and extra fat all over the body. You get inspired after watching 300 and Baywatch and it seems to you that post marriage your boyish charm is waning. You decide to become fit and fab out of the blue and hit the gym with a vengeance. You might not have played football a single time in the last 5 years but you think you can be the Ronaldo of your team.  You end up tearing a ligament or the like and end up in the bed for the next 3 months thereby inconveniencing everyone ranging from your wife to your reporting manager.  That is when the truth dawns upon you have ceased growing up long time back and now your body has started ageing.

Photography is your new hobby you might not have even handled a Kodak in your entire life but once you procure a SLR/DSLR after paying an insane amount of money (including lenses) and you are a professional photographer. The limited knowledge that you gained through Google is enough for you to brag about and bore your technologically challenged friends with its jargon. You start a Facebook page and request everyone to like it.  Oh yeah how could I forget the ‘selfie’ phenomenon of recent times every Tom, Dick and Harry starts taking selfies and uploading it in their Facebook profile. I was wondering if it was possible to take a selfie with a SLR, I would love to see someone do that and post a picture of that process.

You would rather spend your hard earned holidays visiting a new place and meeting new people rather than go back to your hometown to your annoying relatives and (un)well-wishers back home. They need to have a say on everything right from the brand of your underwear to the nationality of your boss. Another thing that happens to you at this time is that you become cynical and indifferent regarding anything and everything that happens around you.  Something is always f***ing beautiful and not beautiful to you anymore.  Earlier the choicest abuses were reserved for your native language but nowadays you improvise and start cursing in every language you know. 

The bottom line being that you are staring into a crisis of identity at this point of your life where you try to figure out what exactly you want from life. It is a phase where you no more care about what others think about you, all that matters to you right now is what you think about yourself. You are tired of being the good guy around and want to go crazy that’s all.  Everything that you do at this time would be illogical or even plain stupid to others. But in my opinion you should just go with the flow and do whatever your mind tells you.  Thereby you get to slay the dragons within you and maybe gradually grow out of it.


  1. That was a nice post... U said we ladies may not be able to relate to that, but thats not true, the last lines applies to us too. When you are married, and your married friends are too boring... and you look around and find that you think more in lines of people 3 years younger than you. But they look up to you like the big married lady. Then we wonder where do we actually fit in. Not sure about what we want in life, vacillating at every steps, becoz every oppourtunity is probably the last chance for redemption. I for one can totally relate to all this, jus comes in a little early in our lives ...Quarter life crisis it is... It was an interesting read.

    1. Thanks for the feedback..didn't know that even women can relate to it...cheers!!!!
