Wednesday, June 9, 2010

The Queen of the Abstract World

A bespectacled beauty with a disarming smile
Reigns over the mighty Abstract world
She communicates more with her silence than her words
And touches the soul of everyone she meets

Her blink if an eye makes you nervous
Her deadly stare chills your bones
Her fiery questions leave you with no answers
Her carefree attitude frightens your spirit

She nourishes her soul more than her body
And finds pleasure in solitude
The inner happiness that radiates in her face
Spreads to others through her smile

And so she continues to be as she is
To reign over the abstract world
Leaving behind people gasping
Thinking what is wrong with her

She is indeed the queen of the abstract world
In every sense and in every meaning
She navigates her way through the mighty crowd
Lost in her thoughts and busy with her work

So with her lovely soul and undying spirit
She makes her presence felt in this world
Her persistence and clarity of thought
Has surprised many including me

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