Wednesday, June 9, 2010

My Days of Solitude

The days are long
The nights are longer
I feel alone in a crowd
Isolated by my own doing

I presumed that I had many friends
Only to realise that it was only a dream
Now when I look around in desperation
There is no familiar face to give me comfort

A special one is not present in my life
At times the thought does haunt me
Twenty three years of living
Without striking a chord in anyone’s life

Is it because I am not good enough
Or is it because no one is good enough for me
Is it because of my nature
Or is it because no one cares

Everyone is busy whizzing past each other
To reach somewhere in the rat-race called life
But in the process they are missing something
Which has left an unfilled void in them

The fruits of love and companionship
The joy of sharing and expecting nothing
The experience of crying and being consoled by others
Which only life and only life can provide

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