Thursday, April 19, 2018

An Epic Road Trip-1

SK working in Pune was supposed to leave for Trivandrum (our hometown) from Mumbai the next day. Since it was a weekend I asked him to come stay at my place and take his flight the next day. I decided to invite my dear friend Arun as well so that we could have an impromptu party at my place on Friday night. Since it was an all Malayali get together the usual suspects were in attendance. Beef, Alcohol, Kerala Chicken Fry and Barotta .The irony of it all was that our guest of honour SK was a teetotaler and a pure vegetarian. All 3 of us were just chilling out at my place when my brother Jude joined us. A law student in Mumbai he had come to spend time with me over the weekend.
Off late I had discovered that being an employed Malayali guy of marriageable age is a tough ask and that too living far away from Kerala.  All of your friends around you are either married or in the process of getting married. My guests for the evening were discussing their domestic travails of their 2 year old marriage and here I was thinking of getting married. My train of thoughts was interrupted by a phone call from my mom who was asking me if I could make it to Cochin(a city 1500 kms south of Mumbai) on Sunday because she wanted me to meet a girl there. I was like what the hell it is Friday night and you want me to reach Cochin within 48 hours. Well you can’t pretty much argue with the boss. We all started looking for flights and trains but because of the of Vishu(New Year festival in Kerala) on Sunday the flights and trains were overbooked.
All of us barring SK were in high spirits since the Party had already started.  Jude pitched for a crazy idea as to why don’t we drive Angelo to Cochin. He said what are friends for if they can’t rise upto the occasion and make things happen. His rationale was that right now it is Friday Midnight if we start from here now by driving nonstop we could reach Cochin in 10 hours. After dropping me if they drive back to Mumbai again nonstop they can come back to Mumbai in another 10 hours. This way Arun will not have to miss work on Monday and Jude will not miss his exam as well.
 Arun pensively asked me if I really wanted to meet this girl to which I replied in the affirmative. SK who had been a silent spectator all along was all pumped up. He cancelled his flight ticket for the next day so as to join us in this road trip. He said that we could use an extra driver for the long journey. Jude the lawyer managed to convince the 3 Engineers on such a crazy idea. Even today I fail to understand as to why SK who was in full senses agreed to be part of the plot. This given the fact that he could be at Trivandrum the very next day without much of a hassle

The journey begins
SK, myself and Arun

Jude, the Lawyer

We packed up whatever food was left behind. I took one of the best pair of my clothes, my mind was buzzing in anticipation for the upcoming meeting. We had a pit stop at Arun’s place to inform his spouse about the plan, it was well over midnight. As we parked our car I made a bet with Jude that Arun’s wife is not going to fall for this crazy idea and he is not going to come with us.   Don’t know if Shilpa was too sleepy to even comprehend as to what her husband was saying, nevertheless Arun came back promptly with a change of clothes. Later on we came to know that Shilpa had reminded Arun that they had to renew the lease of their house which was expiring on Monday. He was planning to finish off that task the next day. Arun assured her that he would see it on Monday without fail. Shilpa warned him that he better stick to his word or else they could be homeless after Monday.
To our discomfort we realized that we were out of Gas. Even at this hour there was a considerable amount of rush to fill gas. We stopped behind the long line of cars Jude the lawyer again got into action he went to every car in the line and made up a cock and bull story that the guy in the car missed his flight and was not able to go for his wedding. As friends they were planning to drive him to the venue and were short of time. As we passed each of the cars the drivers smiled and nodded to me.
The drive out of Mumbai city was uneventful but we were in for a surprise as we reached the ghat section. We had not anticipated the Truck traffic at this time of the hour. Boy it was incredulous and with great difficulty we maneuvered through the multitude of heavy vehicles. It had been 10 hours since we started the journey. We stopped at the side of the highway for a quick bite of the food that we had with us. As the day dawned we 3 ENGINEERS realized that the LAWYER had taken us for a ride as we had made very little progress. We were nowhere near even half way thorough to our intended destination. Once the reality sunk into each one of us we understood the enormity of the task that lay ahead of us but we decided to soldier on. Jude and SK took turns in driving as I was forbidden from driving because they didn’t want to tire me out. 

After sometime SK’s wife called him to ensure if he had checked in for the flight on time to which SK replied that he was at the airport and it appeared to him that the flight was cancelled. He assured that he would keep her posted and disconnected the call. All of us stared at him with a look of amusement. He had to come up with something innovative to be able to explain as to why he was delayed we all deliberated on the permutations and combinations of the possibilities by which SK would reach Trivandrum on Sunday Morning. Finally after a couple of hours he called his wife and informed her that he got a flight to Bangalore. From Bangalore he would take an overnight bus and would be with her on Sunday Morning. The story sounded believable because it was Saturday afternoon now and at the rate at which we were going we would reach Cochin in the wee hours of Sunday. From there SK could take a train and reach Trivandrum by around 10-11 in the morning.

We couldn’t stop for a break but rather continued our journey. We were driving the entire day without a break. We had a flat tyre in between but luckily we were passing through a city so we had help at hand. As we were waiting for the tyre to be replaced Jude noticed that there was a Unisex parlour across the road. With support from Sudhi he managed to cojole me to get a facial in a bid to improve my prospects. Post the facial my face was wrapped in a towel like a jack fruit so that I could be preserved from the hard sunlight. You women will never understand what all we men go through to get hitched.

The journey continued, somewhere in Karnataka we were stopped by the Highway Patrol which seemed to us as a routine checking. After the initial checks of the license and the papers they were not very convinced about our story. They asked us to come to the Police Station so that they can thoroughly check our car.  Supposedly they had received a tip off that some contraband was being transported via road and that was the reason why they had set up the patrol in the first place.
 To be Continued……

Click here for Part 2

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